Fortunately my value or worth doesn't come from my bacon and sausage frying skills. It comes from my Father God who made me.
Many people rely on the affirmations of others and the successes of their accomplishments to get their value or to feel good about themselves. But affirmations and successes sometimes are far and few between.
It's important to affirm others but when we understand that the heart and love of our Father God towards us is always good, then regardless of our earthly situation we can feel valuable. We were made in His image. He thought we were so valuable that He sent His son Jesus to stand in our place so He could connect back with us.
Only someone who thinks you are valuable would want to hang out for eternity with you!
So whether you burnt the bacon today or not, He ❤️ you with a everlasting eternal love! Go hang out with Him and find your worth! You are valuable!